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Create custom fields to suit your unique needs and have that data export easily when you need a downloaded spreadsheet version.

Watch a demo video below:

Web-Based and Multi-User

Nothing to download, use from any computer, and mobile version for easy phone access. Unique log-ins for each person - all of whom can be logged in at the same time.

Watch a demo video below:


Options: email blasts, automated or manually-executed trigger campaign emails, automated birthday emails, address label prep, and multi-sender profiles with unique signatures. Opt ins that feed info directly into your CRM.

Watch a demo video below:

Masterful CRM

Manage prospects, clients and other contacts separately and easily. See all past communications at a glance, purchases, email history, upcoming events and emails, list membership and more.

Watch a demo video below:


User Friendly

Easy to learn and easy to teach to your team, more than 60 short tutorial videos, and a CRM support staff happy to help.

Watch a demo video below:

Task Management

Never let follow up fall through the cracks again. You enter a task, and we'll email you a reminder when it's coming due. Can also be linked to Google calendar, iCal, or Outlook.

Watch a demo video below:

No Extra Costs for Additional Contacts

Your costs are based on your email usage plans, not the number of contacts in your system.

Watch a demo video below:


See email stats to help you hone your marketing strategies and follow up. See activity reports based on CRM user history.

Watch a demo video below:


"All I can say is that the amount of detail Vast Action CRM allows me to keep on my leads and customers is super helpful. Before I had to coordinate several different software systems to keep track of leads and call backs. Vast Action has saved me time and has made phone time a lot easier. Even if someone isn’t using the email feature yet, it's well worth the investment if they plan to grow their business. "

~Jacob Gordon, TX

"The Vast Action CRM embodies the best qualities of the most successful CRMs on the market β€” yet performs lightly and nimbly with the vibe of a custom-built solution. Which it is! The automation and contact query features kick some serious productivity butt! Mainstream CRM's... take notice...Vast Action is in it to win it! "

~ Aaron Ball
Ballpoint Communications Group – Pensacola, FL

"I can say I'm ashamed I didn't hop on the Vast Action wagon sooner. Not only am I more reliable to my current customers, but I’ve increased my organization with prospects. Vast Action's CRM is a time saver and has increased my efficiency tenfold; you simply cannot beat having everything you need in one place so I can strategically market to certain clients and prospects. Thanks Vast Action! "

~Brenna Chadwick, FL

"I took what I learned in Cutco and slaughtered sales goals and national quotas all because of two reasons, my Cutco training and a kick ass CRM. Your team has an awesome CRM; far superior to any of the others I have ever used. Why? because not only is the tool superior, the support staff makes it truly unique. You provide outstanding service and that is oh so rare these days. I worked for Toyota for 8 years and I took a non existent department to 40 units a month for $80,000 gross profit with me being the only internet person in the store. We had 14 other sales people. My crowning achievement here, 53 units in one day for over $1M gross receipts in a single day. I made $15,000 that day. How did this happen? You guessed it - CRM & Cutco training."

~ Dan Perez - Lodi, CA